Contemporary Cabin
Pee Wee Homes
Project Home Again
Make it Right
Contemporary Cabin
Contemporary Cabin
Pee Wee Homes
Pee Wee Homes

Pee Wee Homes is a group of peers and colleagues who have come together to try to be a part of answering this glaring call for deeply affordable housing in our community. Homes that individuals with fixed income like Pee-Wee can afford; homes that allow elderly homeless individuals to age in place; homes that a single individual earning minimum wage can afford; and, importantly, homes that support independence within the context of community. We were drawn to the tiny house movement because of the efficiencies of space, the creative green designs to keep bills low, and the opportunity for small amounts of money to go a long way towards building someone their own independent home. Plus… when you think about 140-320 square feet of space, then the opportunities to squeeze a tiny home here and there all across our community are just limitless!

Project Home Again
Project Home Again
Make it Right
Make it Right